Stay Tuned (little off topic)

For the Compleat Fan
Posts: 2038
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:40 pm
Location: Netherlands

Stay Tuned (little off topic)

Post by newdep »

RSS i growing bigger and bigger.. and as NewLisp has its own nice RSS feed
you can add it to this nice (windows only) tool ->

Below a newlisp.klip example.. adjust the way you want for the lates Newlisp Rss feeds.... 8.1.5 is released ;-)

Actualy i just discovered that you dont need the feed .klip below, simple
add newlisp to the feeder ;-) What a wonderfull world..:-)


The Klip File Format is copyright 2001-2003, Serence Inc.
Klip and associated marks are trademarks of Serence Inc.
All rights reserved. ... legal_tmip

Please note that information you enter here will be available to the public

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When you're done writing your Klip, feel free to remove these comments to
reduce the size of the file you distribute to your users.

And don't forget to rename your .klip file from "template.klip" to something
more descriptive.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





© newdep 2004.





the title of this Klip to display in KlipFolio
NewLisp News

an identifier that is unique to this Klip goes here.
we suggest you choose some text that is unlikely to be used by
any other Klip author
© newdepsnewlispfeed

a version number to help you keep track of your Klip as it changes

the date this Klip was last modified

a short description of this Klip
NewLisp NEWS

a space delimited list of keywords for matching your klip during a
search the order of the keywords is relevant no more than 15
keywords will be processed
List newlisp AI GNU linux Windows



a url pointing to a page relevant to this Klip
activated when a user clicks on your Klip's icon

a url pointing to the KlipFood source (.RSS, .RDF, or .FOOD) this
Klip uses to find new data. This data can be provided via PHP,
ASP, TXT, or whatever your server happens to serve.

a url pointing to this Klip's default 16x16 gif or jpeg icon

a url pointing to this Klip's 234x60 gif or jpeg banner

a url pointing to online help specific to this Klip

a url where new versions of this Klip can be found.
KlipFolio periodically checks for updates to your Klip at this url



how often, in minutes, this Klip should check for new data

if required, specify text here to help you track your Klip's usage
this text is sent as an HTTP referer (see RFC 1945 for details)

the two character ISO country code which identifies where your
Klip comes from. See the dev guide for a list of codes

the two character ISO language code which identifies what language
your Klip uses. See the dev guide for a list of codes

only required if you need to override the default codepage
used by your language choice


<!-- Messages Section
Include this section in your Klip to show a different message while your
Klip loads or has no data to display -->

Lisping data...
No items to display.

-- (define? (Cornflakes))
