Code: Select all
* all code uses new ++,--,extend,write,read functions (still compatible with older newlisps)
* added 'extract' and '<-' functions to core utils
* Route.Resource has been updated with a 'catch-all' function.
* added documentation for MAX_POST_LENGTH in request.lsp
* $BINARY can now handle large data (compensated for a newLISP bug in 'read-buffer').
* DF:activate-plugin can now be used to load all lisp files in a directory
* db/database_utils includes for-query-with-db, assoc-row-with-db, query-cell-with-db and others
* db/database_orm - DB.OBJ - a very simple ORM for DF.DB
* db/database_sqlite3 updated to version 1.2 (see its docs for what's new)
* fixed Jeff's JSON.lsp plugin (switched to " instead of ' for strings)
* fixed bug in definition of define-smacro
* Response:cookie now returns correct value (full cookie as list) when given only key
This version should be safe to use with the latest version of newLISP.
Also, Dragonfly has moved off Google Code, its official repository is now located on GitHub:
If you prefer using Mercurial (like I do), you can use this.