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Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:23 am
by winger

Code: Select all

(map (curry :area) (list (myrect mycircle))) → (200 314.1592654)

(set 'A (array 2 3 (sequence 1 6))) → ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))

(context 'macro)

; registers a macro
(define-macro (macro:macro callp body)
    (push (list (first callp) '*) macro-list -1)
    (eval (expand '(define-macro callp (expand 'body)) 'callp 'body))

;must add otherwise will throw error when eval write express
(setf macro-list '())


(gs:set-grid-layout sym-container int-columns int-rows [int-hgap int-vgap])
change to
(gs:set-grid-layout sym-container int-rows int-columns [int-hgap int-vgap]) 

parameter: str-down-con-path - The path for a pressed down image icon.
parameter: str-down-icon-path - The path for a pressed down image icon.

lost parameter:str-path 

code pattern

(setf '("Anne" address city) persons '(city "Boston")) → (city "New York")
(setf (assoc '("Anne" address city) persons) '(city "Boston")) → (city "New York")

Many other schemes to configure a net-eval parameter list are possible. The following scheme without idle-loop would give the same results:
example code no changes

foo is the address to the structure astruc
foo3 is the address to the structure astruc

formats "u" and "d" may produce different results, because of sign expansion from 16 to 32 bits

> (setf zs "哈哈")
> (pop zs -1)

ERR: not enough memory in function pop

can't pop utf-8string by index with -1

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:05 pm
by Lutz
Thanks for all the doc corrections. All three manuals are corrected online:

But I could not repeat the UTF-8 bug, your are reporting. I tried on Mac OSX 10.7.3 and also on Windows XP SP2 using either the non-UTF-8 or UTF-8 versions of v.10.4.0. In all cases it behaves correctly

Code: Select all

newLISP v.10.4.0 on OSX IPv4/6 UTF-8, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

> (setf zs "哈哈")
> (pop zs -1)
I also ran the following test code:

Code: Select all

(setf zs "哈哈")
(println "unpack: " (unpack "bbbbbb" zs))
(println "length: " (length zs))
(if utf8len (println "utf8len: " (utf8len zs)))
(println "(char (pop zs -1)): " (char (pop zs -1)))
(println "(char 21704): " (char 21704))
(println "length: " (length zs))
(if utf8len (println "utf8len: " (utf8len zs)))

which will produce this on UTF-8 versions:

Code: Select all

unpack: (229 147 136 229 147 136)
length: 6
utf8len: 2
(char (pop zs -1)): 21704
(char 21704): 哈
length: 3
utf8len: 1
and this on non-UTF-8 versions:

Code: Select all

unpack: (229 147 136 229 147 136)
length: 6
(char (pop zs -1)): 136
(char 21704): ?
length: 5
What version of newLISP and Operating System are you running.

PS: meanwhile I also tried on UBUNTU Linux 11.10 with same working results.

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:05 pm
by William James

Code: Select all

;; using sym for simulating hash tables

(set (sym "John Doe" 'MyDB') 1.234)
There should not be a single-quote after 'MyDB.

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:58 am
by winger
Lutz wrote:Thanks for all the doc corrections. All three manuals are corrected online:

PS: meanwhile I also tried on UBUNTU Linux 11.10 with same working results.
Test on xp service pack 3 use this newlisp.exe

newLISP v.10.4.0 on Win32 IPv4/6 UTF-8, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

Code: Select all

(setf zs "哈哈")
(println "unpack: " (unpack "bbbbbb" zs))
(println "length: " (length zs))
(if utf8len (println "utf8len: " (utf8len zs)))
(println "(char (pop zs -1)): " (char (pop zs -1)))
(println "(char 21704): " (char 21704))
(println "length: " (length zs))
(if utf8len (println "utf8len: " (utf8len zs)))


unpack: (185 254 185 254)
(185 254 185 254)
length: 4
utf8len: 2
(char (pop zs -1)):
ERR: not enough memory in function pop

and can't use function (read-file) read file by utf8 name.
will return nil

explode dostring can't correct handling of utf8 string

Code: Select all

> (explode "我能吞下玻璃而不伤身体")
("我" "能" "吞" "下" "? "? "璃" "? "簧? "身" "体")

The following example can not be performed on newlisp 10.4.0 ut8 enable
; UTF8 example
(set 'utf8str "我能吞下玻璃而不伤身体。")
(dostring (c utf8str) (println c " - " (char c)))

25105 - 我
33021 - 能
21534 - 吞
20307 - 体
12290 - 。

ps: I think perhaps is the reason of the cmd?

Code: Select all

> (set-locale)
("Chinese_People's Republic of China.936" ".")

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:39 pm
by Lutz
Both example run fine here on OSX, Windows and Linux.

The character sets we are using seem to be different with different definitions

Code: Select all

; unpack 哈哈 on your system with "Chinese_People's Republic of China.936"
unpack: (185 254 185 254)

; unpack 哈哈 on my system with ""zh_CN" or "zh_CN.GB18030" or "zh_CN.UTF-8"
unpack: (229 147 136 229 147 136)
Perhaps you can try a different Chinese locale?

Also, what happens when you run this program:

Code: Select all

(set 'zs (pack "bbbbbb" '(229 147 136 229 147 136)))
(println (zs -1))
(println (pop zs -1))
over here it will produce:

Code: Select all

I wonder, if your system is doing Windows MBSC or UTF-16 encoding of the command line?

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:26 am
by winger

Code: Select all

> (set-locale)
("Chinese_People's Republic of China.936" ".")
> (set-locale "zh_CN")
> (set-locale "zh_CN.GB18030")
> (set-locale "Chinese_People's Republic of China.936" )
("Chinese_People's Republic of China.936" ".")
> (set-locale "zh_CN.UTF-8" )

(set 'zs (pack "bbbbbb" '(229 147 136 229 147 136)))
(println (zs -1))
(println (pop zs -1))


Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:47 am
I use the chinese locale,too. And I think that's not the newlisp's problem, because of the cmd.exe can only display characters of cp936 in general. Write these examples in a utf-8 encoded text file and run it, will get the right result.

The "set-locale" function of newlisp is no use to change the cmd.exe's locale, if someone want to change the cmd.exe and let it can display utf-8 characters, may do like under:

1.Right click the command prompt window's caption, and click "property" on popup menu.
2.At the "Font" tabsheet, choose the "Lucida Console" font, and confirm it.
3.At the command prompt window, input "chcp 65001" command (change the codepage to utf-8).

then the command prompt window can display utf-8 characters but still has some problem, for example always display the half of the chinese character : )

Re: Some minor errors about manual and ....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:00 am
by winger

(difference d2 d1)
;-> ("." ".." ".DS_Store" "Language Modules" "Menu Scripts" "Plug-Ins"
"Read Me.txt" "Scripts" "Unix Support")

(intersect d2 d1)
;-> ("." ".." ".DS_Store" "Language Modules" "Menu Scripts" "Plug-Ins"
"Read Me.txt" "Scripts" "Unix Support")

anyone can recommend a console on windows??