joe editor -> newlisp.jsf generator

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joe editor -> newlisp.jsf generator

Post by newdep »

Well based on the creative arts of m35 I though it was very odd i did not have such a thing for JOE editor?
('how to forget to automate the things you works with daily!?')

Code: Select all


;-- to get the original symbols from newlisp
;-- thow shall only use the magic list

(setq sugar (string "newlisp-" (sys-info -2) ".jsf"))

;-- Round and round the garden walkes a teddy beer..
(setq tea (join (exec {newlisp -e "(dump)"}) "\n"))

;-- one step...
(find-all "type=263 contents=(.*) \<" tea (push $1 bag))

;-- two step...
(setq spoon (last (sort (map length bag))))

(delete-file sugar)

(append-file sugar 
[text]# (Automated) JOE syntax highlight file for newLISP

# These colors are for the text console.
# You will definitely need different colors for a terminal under X.
# The range of colors is found in your c.jsf file.
# Deprecated commands will blink annoyingly :-)
# on Linux UBUNTU 8.04 this file goes into /etc/joe/syntax/lisp.jsf
# or into $HOME/.joe/syntax/lisp.jsf on all Unix
# L Wix [xman-et-myrealbox-dot-com]
# Thanks to Norman (newdep)
# 10 Nov 2004
# 27 Jan 2005, L.M. updated to v.8.4.1
# 28 Jan 2005, L.M. made comments (did not work om Joe 3.1)

(append-file sugar 
{#                   made [text] .. [/text] tags work}

(append-file sugar  
# 25 June 2008, L.M updated for version 9.4.0
# 22 Sept 2008, L.M updated for version 9.9.x -> 10.0 added setf
# 29 Sept 2008, L.M updated for version 9.9.x -> 10.0 added copy
# 21 Oct 2008, L.M. exclude MAIN from highlighting
# 18 Nov 2008, Norman, created the automated newlisp.jsf generator
# usage:   
# cp newlisp-xxxx.jsf /etc/joe/syntax/newlisp.jsf
# and adjust the /etc/joe/ftyperc 
# version 1.4

=Comment        green
=String         bold black
=Text           bold black
=Escape         bold green
=Paren          red
=Quote          bold
=Prim           cyan
=Tag            bold blue
=Depr           blink

:idle Idle
    *       idle
    ";"     comment         recolor=-1
    "#"     comment         recolor=-1
    "\""    string          recolor=-1
    "{"     brace_string    recolor=-1
    "()"    paren           recolor=-1
    "'"     quote           recolor=-1
    "["     tag_o1          recolor=-1
    "!=%&*+/<>^|~a-zA-Z_\-" ident       buffer

:comment Comment
    *           comment
    "\n"        idle

:string String
    *           string
    "\""        idle
    "\\"        string_escape   recolor=-1

:string_escape Escape
    *           string
    "\n"        string      recolor=-2

:brace_string String
    *           brace_string
    "}"         idle

:paren Paren
    *           idle        noeat

:quote Quote
    *           idle        noeat
:ident Idle
    *           idle        noeat strings

;-- tidely tidely there...
(setq bag (sort bag))
(dolist (x bag)
  (append-file sugar (string (dup " ") {"} x {"} (dup " " (+ (- spoon (length x)) 2)) "prim\n")))

;-- there is always a happy end with newlisp ;-)
(append-file sugar
    "\-\"a-zA-Z_0-9!#@$%^&*+={}|/\\:';,.<>/?~`" ident

:prim Prim
    *           idle        noeat

:tag_o1 Tag
    *           idle        noeat
    "t"         tag_o2
:tag_o2 Tag
    *           idle        noeat
    "e"         tag_o3
:tag_o3 Tag
    *           idle        noeat
    "x"         tag_o4
:tag_o4 Tag
    *           idle        noeat
    "t"         tag_o5
:tag_o5 Tag
    *           idle        noeat
    "]"         long_text
:long_text      Text
    *           long_text
    "["         close_tag   buffer recolor=-1
:close_tag Tag
    *           long_text   noeat strings

(append-file sugar
{   "[/text]"   tag_closed

    "[]/etx"    close_tag
:tag_closed Tag
    *           idle        noeat
:depr Depr
  *  idle       noeat

;-- oH yes.. enjoy!

Posts: 2038
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:40 pm
Location: Netherlands

Post by newdep »

-- (define? (Cornflakes))

Posts: 65
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:30 am

Post by unixtechie »

Great that you generate the list of functions automatically, but I disliked the colours. So I changed them ;)

My idea is that it should be very readable and very clean rather than simply looking like a rainbow.

here's my joe newlisp colouring file (which I did quite some time ago, so it might miss any add-ons in the lage 9.9.x series if any)

Check to see of you like bold brackets (I find them indispensable) and minimal colour distinction, only between comments (green), built-in functions (blue), text strings (magenta) and "the rest' (black):

(NOTE: this config file may be redundant in some parts, as I simply re-edited an existing config)

Code: Select all

# JOE syntax highlight file for newLISP 9.1

=Idle           black
=Comment        green
=String         magenta
=Text           magenta
=Escape         green:1
=Paren          bold
=Quote          bold
=Prim           bold blue
=Tag            bold
=Depr           blink

:idle Idle
        *               idle
        ";"             comment         recolor=-1
        "#"             comment         recolor=-1
        "\""    string          recolor=-1
        "{"             brace_string    recolor=-1
        "()"    paren           recolor=-1
        "'"             quote           recolor=-1
        "["             tag_o1          recolor=-1
        "!=%&*+/<>^|~a-zA-Z_\-" ident           buffer

:comment Comment
        *               comment
        "\n"            idle

:string String
        *               string
        "\""            idle
        "\\"            string_escape   recolor=-1

:string_escape Escape
        *               string
        "\n"            string          recolor=-2

:brace_string String
        *               brace_string
        "}"             idle

:paren Paren
        *               idle            noeat

:quote Quote
        *               idle            noeat

:ident Idle
        *               idle            noeat strings
        "!"     prim
        "!="    prim
        "$"     prim
        "%"     prim
        "&"     prim
        "*"     prim
        "+"     prim
        "-"     prim
        "/"     prim
        "<"     prim
        "<<"    prim
        "<="    prim
        "="     prim
        ">"     prim
        ">="    prim
        ">>"    prim
        "^"     prim
        "$0"    prim
        "$1"    prim
        "$2"    prim
        "$3"    prim
        "$4"    prim
        "$5"    prim
        "$6"    prim
        "$7"    prim
        "$8"    prim
        "$9"    prim
        "$10"   prim
        "$11"   prim
        "$12"   prim
        "$13"   prim
        "$14"   prim
        "$15"   prim
        "$args" prim
        "NaN?"  prim
        "abs"   prim
        "acos"  prim
        "acosh" prim
        "add"   prim
        "address"       prim
        "amb"   prim
        "and"   prim
        "append"        prim
        "append-file"   prim
        "apply" prim
        "args"  prim
        "array" prim
        "array-list"    prim
        "array?"        prim
        "asin"  prim
        "asinh" prim
        "assoc" prim
        "atan"  prim
        "atanh" prim
        "atan2" prim
        "atom?" prim
        "base"  prim
        "base64-enc"    prim
        "base64-dec"    prim
        "bayes-query"   prim
        "bayes-train"   prim
        "begin" prim
        "beta"  prim
        "betai" prim
        "binomial"      prim
        "break" prim
        "callback"      prim
        "case"  prim
        "catch" prim
        "ceil"  prim
        "change-dir"    prim
        "char"  prim
        "chop"  prim
        "clean" prim
        "close" prim
        "command-line"  prim
        "cond"  prim
        "connection"    prim
        "cons"  prim
        "constant"      prim
        "context"       prim
        "context?"      prim
        "copy-file"     prim
        "cos"   prim
        "cosh"  prim
        "count" prim
        "cpymem"        prim
        "crc32"         prim
        "crit-chi2"     prim
        "crit-z"        prim
        "current-line"  prim
        "date"  prim
        "date-value"    prim
        "debug" prim
        "dec"   prim
        "default"       prim
        "det"   prim
        "def-new"       prim
        "define"        prim
        "define-macro"  prim
        "delete"        prim
        "delete-file"   prim
        "delete-url"    prim
        "destroy"       prim
        "device"        prim
        "difference"    prim
        "directory"     prim
        "directory?"    prim
        "div"   prim
        "doargs"        prim
        "dolist"        prim
        "dotimes"       prim
        "dotree"        prim
        "do-while"      prim
        "do-until"      prim
        "dump"  prim
        "dup"   prim
        "empty?"        prim
        "encrypt"       prim
        "ends-with"     prim
        "env"   prim
        "environ"  depr
        "environment"   prim
        "error-event"   prim
        "error-number"  prim
        "error-text"    prim
        "erf"   prim
        "eval"  prim
        "eval-string"   prim
        "exec"  prim
        "exit"  prim
        "exp"   prim
        "expand"        prim
        "explode"       prim
        "factor"        prim
        "fft"   prim
        "file-info"     prim
        "file?" prim
        "filter"        prim
        "find"  prim
        "first" prim
        "flat"  prim
        "float" prim
        "float?"        prim
        "floor" prim
        "flt"   prim
        "fn"    prim
        "for"   prim
        "fork"  prim
        "format"        prim
        "fv"    prim
        "gammai"        prim
        "gammaln"       prim
        "gcd"   prim
        "get-char"      prim
        "get-long"      prim
        "getenv"  depr
        "get-float"     prim
        "get-int"       prim
        "get-integer"   depr
        "get-string"    prim
        "get-url"       prim
        "global"        prim
        "if"    prim
        "ifft"  prim
        "import"        prim
        "inc"   prim
        "index" prim
        "int"   prim
        "integer"       prim
        "integer?"      prim
        "intersect"     prim
        "invert"        prim
        "irr"   prim
        "join"  prim
        "lambda"        prim
        "lambda?"       prim
        "legal?"        prim
        "last"  prim
        "length"        prim
        "let"   prim
        "letex" prim
        "letn"  prim
        "list"  prim
        "list?" prim
        "load"  prim
        "local" prim
        "log"   prim
        "lookup"        prim
        "lower-case"    prim
        "macro?"        prim
        "main-args"     prim
        "make-dir"      prim
        "map"   prim
        "match" prim
        "max"   prim
        "member"        prim
        "min"   prim
        "mod"   prim
        "mul"   prim
        "multiply"      prim
        "name"  prim
        "net-accept"    prim
        "net-close"     prim
        "net-connect"   prim
        "net-error"     prim
        "net-eval"      prim
        "net-listen"    prim
        "net-local"     prim
        "net-lookup"    prim
        "net-peek"      prim
        "net-peer"      prim
        "net-ping"  prim
        "net-receive"   prim
        "net-receive-from"      prim
        "net-receive-udp"       prim
        "net-select"    prim
        "net-send"      prim
        "net-send-to"   prim
        "net-send-udp"  prim
        "net-service"   prim
        "net-sessions"  prim
        "new"   prim
        "nil" prim
        "null?" prim
        "normal"        prim
        "not"   prim
        "not-equal"     prim
        "now"   prim
        "nper"  prim
        "npv"   prim
        "nth"   prim
        "nth-set"       prim
        "number?"       prim
        "open"  prim
        "or"    prim
        "ostype"        prim
        "pack"  prim
        "parse" prim
        "peek"  prim
        "pipe"  prim
        "pmt"   prim
        "pop"   prim
        "post-url"      prim
        "pow"   prim
        "pretty-print"  prim
        "primitive?"    prim
        "print" prim
        "println"       prim
        "prob-chi2"     prim
        "prob-z"        prim
        "process"       prim
        "push"  prim
        "putenv"  depr
        "put-url"       prim
        "pv"    prim
        "quote" prim
        "quote?"        prim
        "radians"       prim
        "rand"  prim
        "random"        prim
        "randomize"     prim
        "read-buffer"   prim
        "read-char"     prim
        "read-file"     prim
        "read-key"      prim
        "read-line"     prim
        "real-path"     prim
        "ref"   prim
        "ref-all"       prim
        "regex" prim
        "remove-dir"    prim
        "rename-file"   prim
        "replace"       prim
        "replace-assoc" prim
        "reset" prim
        "rest"  prim
        "reverse"       prim
        "rotate"        prim
        "round" prim
        "save"  prim
        "search"        prim
        "seed"  prim
        "seek"  prim
        "select"        prim
        "semaphore"     prim
        "sequence"      prim
        "series"        prim
        "set!"  prim
        "set"   prim
        "set-locale"    prim
        "set-nth"       prim
        "setq"  prim
        "sgn"   prim
        "share" prim
        "signal"        prim
        "silent"        prim
        "sin"   prim
        "sinh"  prim
        "sleep" prim
        "slice" prim
        "socket"        prim
        "sort"  prim
        "source"        prim
        "sqrt"  prim
        "starts-with"   prim
        "string"        prim
        "string?"       prim
        "sub"   prim
        "swap"  prim
        "sym"   prim
        "symbol"        prim
        "symbol?"       prim
        "symbols"       prim
        "sys-error"     prim
        "sys-info"      prim
        "tan"   prim
        "tanh"  prim
        "throw" prim
        "throw-error"   prim
        "time"  prim
        "time-of-day"   prim
        "title-case"    prim
        "trace" prim
        "trace-highlight"       prim
        "transpose"     prim
        "trim"  prim
        "true"  prim
        "true?"  prim
        "unicode"       prim
        "unify" prim
        "unique"        prim
        "unless"        prim
        "unpack"        prim
        "until" prim
        "upper-case"    prim
        "utf8"  prim
        "utf8len"       prim
        "uuid"  prim
        "wait-pid"      prim
        "while" prim
        "write-buffer"  prim
        "write-char"    prim
        "write-file"    prim
        "write-line"    prim
        "xml-error"     prim
        "xml-parse"     prim
        "xml-type-tags" prim
        "zero?" prim
        "|"     prim
        "~"     prim

        "\-\"a-zA-Z_0-9!#@$%^&*+={}|/\\:';,.<>/?~`" ident

:prim Prim
        *               idle            noeat

:tag_o1 Tag
        *               idle            noeat
        "t"             tag_o2

:tag_o2 Tag
        *               idle            noeat
        "e"             tag_o3

:tag_o3 Tag
        *               idle            noeat
        "x"             tag_o4

:tag_o4 Tag
        *               idle            noeat
        "t"             tag_o5

:tag_o5 Tag
        *               idle            noeat
        "]"             long_text

:long_text      Text
        *               long_text
        "["             close_tag       buffer recolor=-1

:close_tag Tag
        *               long_text       noeat strings
        "[/text]"       tag_closed
        "[]/etx"        close_tag

:tag_closed Tag
        *               idle            noeat

:depr Depr
        *               idle            noeat

Posts: 2038
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:40 pm
Location: Netherlands

Post by newdep »

oke fair is fair, eveyone his colorscheme! ;-)

how about this ->
-- (define? (Cornflakes))

Posts: 65
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:30 am

Post by unixtechie »

# (Automated) JOE syntax highlight file for newLISP
# original newlisp.jsf by L Wix [xman-et-myrealbox-dot-com]
# copy generated newlisp-xxxx.jsf /etc/joe/syntax/newlisp.jsf
# and adjust the /etc/joe/ftyperc
# version 1.111111, Unixtechie

# Dark, bright and bold the colours are easy on the eyes and completely functional:
# you'll know what is what at once. No need to wade bleak landscapes littered with
# bleak multicoloured spots of other colourizers' output which look like dead autumn
# leaves.
# And BRACKETS, fat, bold, black and maggoty brackets that stop the eye and tell you
# exactly what ends where and where it begins
# I.e. A TRUE PROGRAMMER's COLOURIZER, simple and effective. Version 1.111111

=Idle black
=Comment green
=String magenta
=Text magenta
=Escape green:1
=Paren bold
=Quote bold
=Prim bold blue
=Tag bold
=Depr blink

Posts: 2038
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:28 pm
Location: latiitude 50N longitude 3W

Post by cormullion »

unixtechie wrote: # Dark, bright and bold the colours are easy on the eyes and completely functional:
# you'll know what is what at once. No need to wade bleak landscapes littered with
# bleak multicoloured spots of other colourizers' output which look like dead autumn
# leaves.
# And BRACKETS, fat, bold, black and maggoty brackets that stop the eye and tell you
# exactly what ends where and where it begins
# I.e. A TRUE PROGRAMMER's COLOURIZER, simple and effective. Version 1.111111
Ooops - You're going to hate the colours in the latest iteration of my introductory offering, I think.
I've just been making the parentheses lighter grey in colour, to match the generally pastel bleak mid-winter landscape colour scheme... :)

Still, I'm not a true programmer. :)

Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:32 pm

Post by tom »

who the heck uses joe?


Posts: 65
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:30 am


Post by unixtechie »

tom wrote:who the heck uses joe?
It's the easiest and most intuitive small editor around.
No multi-key finger gymnastics of that incredible kludge of emacs (tens of megabytes for an editor???), no stumbling your finger against that escape key every time you want to do anything at all as in vi.
No undescribable vulgarity of software in Java, bloated, slow, and demanding more lines of code per some task compared to virtually any language except assembler.

No running X server as a prerequisite as is the case with GUI-based editors.

Joe is simple, programming-oriented, includes all major functions, macros, bookmarks, some regexs etc. etc., is quite natural, and has built-in help, so you do not even need to remember how to do things in it.
Last edited by unixtechie on Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 65
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:30 am

Heh, I got it

Post by unixtechie »

cormullion wrote: Ooops - You're going to hate the colours in the latest iteration of my introductory offering, I think.
I've just been making the parentheses lighter grey in colour, to match the generally pastel bleak mid-winter landscape colour scheme... :)

Still, I'm not a true programmer. :)
You know what - I found use for your colour scheme.
I tried it on BLACK background, and it's pretty good for that, quite clear etc.etc.

So I'll use yours whenever fancy takes me to write in a black term window, and use mine when the background is white or very light grey.

Now the peace is reestablished, can we unite and kick around in the hope to hit some non-believer-in-greatness-of-the-Joe-editor that might wander accidentally in?

Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:32 pm

Post by tom »

aw shucks, I was just kidding.

If I edit outside of X it's usually with jed--see, only a one letter difference!

Posts: 171
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:54 pm
Location: Carifornia

Post by m35 »

Ah newdep! I know my approach wasn't every elegant, but you should warn people before shaming their code to oblivion :)

The (dump)ing of the symbols solves so many problems with preserving the namespace, I'm going to have to follow your superior approach.
