A bit more windows look for IDE

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A bit more windows look for IDE

Post by HPW »

Some seperators and a other button-look make it more look-alike.
Don't know how it display on other paltforms.

Code: Select all

proc SetupConsole {} {

	global Ide IDEversion txt FontSizeMenu FontNameMenu commandHistory

	wm title . $IDEversion

	set txt [text .console ]

	set buttonFrame [SetupConsoleToolbar $txt]

	$txt config -fg $Ide(consoleForeground) -bg $Ide(consoleBackground) 
	$txt config -width $Ide(consoleWidth) -height $Ide(consoleHeight) -setgrid true	
	$txt config -yscrollcommand { .scroll set }
	$txt config -insertofftime 0 -insertwidth 4
	$txt config -exportselection true
	scrollbar .scroll -command {$txt yview }

	set sep1  [Separator .sep1 -orient horizontal]
	set sep2  [Separator .sep2 -orient horizontal]

	grid $sep1 -row 0 -columnspan 4 -sticky ew -pady 1

	grid $buttonFrame -row 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew

	grid $sep2 -row 2 -columnspan 4 -sticky ew -pady 1

	grid $txt -row 3 -column 0 -sticky news
	grid .scroll -row 3 -column 1 -sticky news

	# setup main window menu

	menu .menubar
	. config -menu .menubar
	foreach m {File Options Help} {
		set $m [menu .menubar.m$m -tearoff 0]
		.menubar add cascade -label $m -menu .menubar.m$m

	.menubar insert 2 command -label Edit -command CodeBrowser
	.menubar insert 3 command -label Clear -command ClearConsoleScreen
	.menubar insert 4 command -label Debug -command {Debugger}

	$File add command -label {Load ...} -accelerator {Ctrl-O} -underline 1 -command LoadFile
	$File add command -label {Reload} -accelerator {Ctrl-R} -underline 0 -command ReLoadFile
	$File add command -label {Save All as ...} -accelerator {Ctrl-S} -underline 0 -command SaveAllFile
	$File add separator
	$File add command -label Exit -underline 1 -command exit

	set FontSizeMenu [menu .menubar.mOptions.sFontSize -tearoff 0]
	set FontNameMenu [menu .menubar.mOptions.sFontName -tearoff 0]

	$Options add cascade -label "Font Size" -underline 3 -menu $FontSizeMenu 
	$Options add cascade -label "Font Name" -underline 5 -menu $FontNameMenu 
	$Options add command -label {Background ...} -underline 0 -command "SetConsoleColors consoleBackground"
	$Options add command -label {Foreground ...} -underline 0 -command "SetConsoleColors consoleForeground"
	$Options add separator
	$Options add command -label {Save settings} -underline 0 -command "SaveSettings"

	$Help add command -label {Manual & Reference} -underline 0 -command HelpAction
	$Help add command -label {newLISP-tk} -underline 9 -command HelpAction-tk
	$Help add separator
	$Help add command -label About -underline 0 -command AboutBox

	MakeFontSizeMenu $FontSizeMenu
	MakeFontNameMenu $FontNameMenu

	ResetFont fontSize $Ide(fontSize) $FontSizeMenu
	ResetFont fontName $Ide(fontName) $FontNameMenu

	# setup console popup menu

	set consolePopup [menu .console.popup]
	SetupPopupMenu $consolePopup

	# setup status bar

	frame .statusBar
	label .statusBar.label -textvariable statusText -relief sunken -bd 1 -font "Helvetica 10" -anchor w
	grid .statusBar.label -sticky ew
	grid columnconfigure .statusBar 0 -weight 1
	grid .statusBar -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew

	grid rowconfigure . 1 -weight 1
	grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1

	# setup marks and key handling in console window 

	$txt mark set cmdStart insert
	$txt mark gravity cmdStart left

	# initialize command history

	for {set i 1 } {$i <= $Ide(maxHistory)} {incr i} {
		set commandHistory($i) "" }

	bind $txt <Return> { ProcessConsoleInput; break } 
	bind $txt <Key-Up> { PutPriorCommand ; break }
	bind $txt <Key-Down> { PutNextCommand ; break }
	bind $txt <Home> { $txt mark set insert cmdStart; break }
	bind $txt <Double-1> {HighlightExpression %W }
	bind $txt <Tab> { $txt insert insert "  "; break }
	bind $txt <Control-l> { ClearConsoleScreen; break }
	bind $txt <Control-a> { $txt mark set insert cmdStart; break }

	bind $txt <Shift-KeyPress> {if { "%A" == "("} { EditShowMatchingPar %W 0 } else {
				if { "%A" == ")"} { EditShowMatchingPar %W 1 }}}

	bind $txt <Button-3> "tk_popup $consolePopup %X %Y 0"

	bind $txt <Control-x> { CutCopyText %W }
	bind $txt <Control-c> { CutCopyText %W }
	bind $txt <Control-v> { PasteText %W }
	bind $txt <Control-o> LoadFile
	bind $txt <Control-r> ReLoadFile
	bind $txt <Control-s> SaveAllFile
	bind $txt <Control-b> {CodeBrowser; break}
	bind $txt <Control-g> Debugger
	bind $txt <Control-m> HelpAction
	bind $txt <Control-k> HelpAction-tk

	bind . <Destroy> {if {"%W" == "."} {ExitProc}}

	wm geometry . +$Ide(WinPosX)\+$Ide(WinPosY)

	focus -force $txt

# set up a icon toolbar for console menu choices

proc 	SetupConsoleToolbar { widget } {

	global Ide

	frame .bframe

	foreach name {openImg saveImg reloadImg editImg debugImg copyImg cutImg pasteImg clearImg 
				helpImg nltkImg } {
		[set $name [image create photo]] read "$Ide(imageDir)/$name.gif"

	foreach no {1 2 3 4 5} {
		label .bframe.vertical$no -text {   } -relief flat

#	set st groove
	set st flat
	set st1 raised

	button .bframe.open -image $openImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command LoadFile
	button .bframe.reload -image $reloadImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command ReLoadFile
	button .bframe.save -image $saveImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command SaveAllFile
	button .bframe.edit -image $editImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command CodeBrowser
	button .bframe.debug -image $debugImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command Debugger
	button .bframe.copy -image $copyImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command "event generate $widget <Control-c>"
	button .bframe.cut -image $cutImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command "event generate $widget <Control-x>"
	button .bframe.paste -image $pasteImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command "event generate $widget <Control-v>"
	button .bframe.clear -image $clearImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command "ClearConsoleScreen"
	button .bframe.help -image $helpImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command HelpAction
	button .bframe.nltk -image $nltkImg -relief $st -overrelief $st1 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 -command HelpAction-tk

	pack .bframe.open .bframe.reload .bframe.save -side left
	set sep [Separator .bframe.sep -orient vertical]
	pack $sep -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w

	pack .bframe.edit .bframe.debug -side left
	set sep1 [Separator .bframe.sep1 -orient vertical]
	pack $sep1 -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w

	pack .bframe.copy .bframe.cut .bframe.paste -side left
	set sep2 [Separator .bframe.sep2 -orient vertical]
	pack $sep2 -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w

	pack .bframe.clear -side left -padx 1
	set sep3 [Separator .bframe.sep3 -orient vertical]
	pack $sep3 -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w

	pack .bframe.help .bframe.nltk -side left
	set sep4 [Separator .bframe.sep4 -orient vertical]
	pack $sep4 -side left -fill y -padx 4 -anchor w

	balloon_help .bframe.open { Load source   Ctrl-O }
	balloon_help .bframe.reload { Reload last source Ctrl-R }
	balloon_help .bframe.save { Save workspace   Ctrl-S }
	balloon_help .bframe.edit { Browser / Editor   Ctrl-B }
	balloon_help .bframe.debug { Debugger   Ctrl-G }
	balloon_help .bframe.copy { Copy selection   Ctrl-C }
	balloon_help .bframe.cut { Cut selection   Ctrl-X }
	balloon_help .bframe.paste { Paste selection   Ctrl-V }
	balloon_help .bframe.clear { Clear console   Ctrl-L }
	balloon_help .bframe.help { newLISP Reference   Ctrl-M }
	balloon_help .bframe.nltk { newLISP-tk Intro   Ctrl-K }
	return .bframe

Posts: 429
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:11 am
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Post by nigelbrown »

No being a tk/tcl-er I ask - Where do you put it?

Posts: 1390
Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2002 9:15 am
Location: Germany

Post by HPW »

Hello Nigel,

It replaces the similar functions in newlisp-tk.tcl from the source distribution.
Of cource then you should be able to wrap a new newLisp-tk.exe with freewrap 5.5.

And it only modified the main console window. The edit window could be done in a similar way.

I ran across this, because I take newLisp-tk.tcl as a template for my own app, and their I want a look closer to common windows software.
