Search found 607 matches
- Tue May 02, 2023 3:49 am
- Forum: newLISP and the O.S.
- Topic: delete rows that have a specified timestamp
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8066
Re: delete rows that have a specified timestamp
Start here:
- Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:06 pm
- Forum: newLISP newS
- Topic: I'd like to offer to take over these forums
- Replies: 25
- Views: 25625
Re: I'd like to offer to take over these forums
To whomever runs this forum,
I agree with Greg (itistoday). If you hand the reins over to him, it will be in good hands.
Hopefully you can contact Lutz and get an approval. WDYT?
Best, Rick (rickyboy)
I agree with Greg (itistoday). If you hand the reins over to him, it will be in good hands.
Hopefully you can contact Lutz and get an approval. WDYT?
Best, Rick (rickyboy)
- Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:38 am
- Forum: So, what can you actually DO with newLISP?
- Topic: Cryptarithmetic
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6055
Re: Cryptarithmetic
Thanks for posting the puzzle and your solution, cameyo! I found the same 3 you found. I wish I could post them here but alas I'm getting the Internal Server Error page; so I'll just post a link to the code. The solution printout is in a comment at the bottom. Like Ralph, I could not think of anythi...
- Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:09 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: "Code patterns" translation
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4212
Re: "Code patterns" translation
Grazie, Massimo!
- Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:02 pm
- Forum: Anything else we might add?
- Topic: (read-expr "08") reads octal?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6715
Re: (read-expr "08") reads octal?
It says in the manual that those expressions are octal.
- Wed May 12, 2021 7:13 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: List of indexes
- Replies: 5
- Views: 7959
Re: List of indexes
You could also "factor out" the repeated code, but it may not make the code more readable. (define (get-indices L (child 0) (parents '()) (result '())) (if (empty? L) result (get-indices (1 L) (+ 1 child) parents (append (snoc result (snoc parents child)) (if (list? (L 0)) (get-indices (L 0) 0 (snoc...
- Wed May 12, 2021 7:12 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: List of indexes
- Replies: 5
- Views: 7959
Re: List of indexes
Here's a version that uses recursive calls in a classic way (think, SICP) where even the loop is handled by recursive call. (Nota bene: This is not a good newLISP implementation because newLISP doesn't turn tail calls into loops; fdb's implementation is the better one for newLISP.) (define (get-indi...
- Sat May 01, 2021 11:28 am
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Code Lisp-ish enough??
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6693
Re: Code Lisp-ish enough??
This is much easier to read!
- Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:09 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: IDE for newLISP
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4695
Re: IDE for newLISP
I noticed that he had only one item under the heading “What's not quite ready:”. We can suggest another item:
- The source code
- The source code
- Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:09 pm
- Forum: Whither newLISP?
- Topic: "place" in the function "inc"
- Replies: 5
- Views: 11635
Re: "place" in the function "inc"
Hi octowuss, and welcome! That doesn't make any sense [...] and wanted to learn more Lisp, but this version is full of these incomprehensible "gimmicks" that make it very difficult to work out how to use it! Well, the OP was really asking about a very obscure "corner case" usage of `inc` to accompli...
- Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:56 am
- Forum: newLISP and the O.S.
- Topic: fun with pledge()
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7472
Re: fun with pledge()
Nice! 👍
- Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:34 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: running a nL on nearlyfreespeech
- Replies: 9
- Views: 14326
Re: running a nL on nearlyfreespeech
Your #! line looks wrong.
- Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:40 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: values into mul
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5218
Re: values into mul
Use read-expr.
Code: Select all
(println (mul 2 (read-expr abc)))
- Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:30 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
Over time envrironment and stack memory gets fragmented by certain functions. The error forces a total low level freeing and reallocation of this memory. There is nothing we can do about it without slowing down everywhere, but it is a rare enough problem. Until now, I have never seen this before. T...
- Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:36 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
cameyo, thank you for raising this issue!
- Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:44 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
@rickyboy and @ralph.ronnquist Sorry, I didn't explain myself well. The function i tried was "merge" with temporary heap function. Yes, you are correct. I remember testing this myself before I first posted here (as I had the same idea as Ralph). I ruled that out as a possibility when I saw what you...
- Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:01 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
I upgraded my newLISP. Still works fine. $ ./newlisp newLISP v.10.7.5 64-bit on BSD IPv4/6 UTF-8 libffi, options: newlisp -h > (define (merge lstA lstB op) (sort (append lstA lstB) op)) (lambda (lstA lstB op) (sort (append lstA lstB) op)) > (time (merge (sequence 1 500) (sequence 1 200) <) 500) 594....
- Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:06 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
@ralph.ronnquist: I have tried your function (in a fresh REPL), but the result are the same: > (time (merge (sequence 1 500) (sequence 1 200) <) 500) 1842.392 > (time (merge (sequence 1 500) (sequence 1 200) <) 500) 2290.107 > (time (merge (sequence 1 500) (sequence 1 200) <) 500) 2831.184 > (time ...
- Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:29 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
P.S. Calling your merge function with smaller inputs doesn't cause a ramp up of timings. (setq C '(4 3 2)) (setq D '(8 5 3 1)) (time (merge C D >) 500) Here's the REPL output as I continually press Ctrl-x Ctrl-e (newlisp-eval) with my cursor on the time call (in Emacs). > 2.712 > 2.777 > 2.682 > 2.6...
- Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:17 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Timing function problem
- Replies: 19
- Views: 25770
Re: Timing function problem
Yeah, I don't know precisely what's causing that, but when you use a loop (instead of an iterative recursive call), this problem goes away. (define (merge-via-loop lstA lstB op) (let (out '()) (until (or (null? lstA) (null? lstB)) (push (if (op (first lstB) (first lstA)) (pop lstB) (pop lstA)) out -...
- Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:03 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: what's wrong with the use of apply append
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6592
Re: what's wrong with the use of apply append
The symbol 'var which is passed to "append" has been binded to "b", why is the evaluator not able to see it? The short answer is: because the quote prevents it from getting evaluated, as in: > (setq var "b") "b" > 'var var > var "b" Here, the single quote character (preceding var ) prevents var fro...
- Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:49 am
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: what's wrong with the use of apply append
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6592
Re: what's wrong with the use of apply append
What we were missing was the error message: > (setq var "b") "b" > (apply append '("a" var)) ;; I believe the result will be "ab", but what I get is error message. ERR: string expected in function append : 'var The problem is that in the expression '("a" var) , var is getting quoted; so, you end up ...
- Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:43 am
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Create polynomials
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6074
Re: Create polynomials
Here's a version of the lambda builder that constructs the body according to the method of Horner . (define (make-poly-horner coeffs) (push (if (< (length coeffs) 2) (first coeffs) (apply (fn (acc c) (list 'add c (cons 'mul (list 'x acc)))) coeffs 2)) (copy '(fn (x))) -1)) To give you an idea of wha...
- Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:04 pm
- Forum: newLISP in the real world
- Topic: Pathological floating point problems
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4740
Re: Pathological floating point problems
That's very cool. And a good thing to keep in mind when doing computer arithmetic. But, your code could be much shorter -- it would then be more readable to others (and to you, months or years later :). (define (rat n d) (let (g (gcd n d)) (map (curry * 1L) (list (/ n g) (/ d g))))) (define (+rat r1...
- Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:00 pm
- Forum: Whither newLISP?
- Topic: pseudo-random number generator
- Replies: 1
- Views: 7588
Re: pseudo-random number generator
I'm not an expert at PRNGs, but here is the implementation in newlisp. ... 1709-L1764 ... 1709-L1764